Watch wild central Oklahoma birds (and squirrels!) feeding on a variety of seed during daylight hours.

Our location is Hefner Lake, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. We feed exclusively Morning Song wild bird food!

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For the Birdwatcher:

Sibley Guide to the Birds

Common Birds and their Songs
Other birds viewed at or near BirdCam:
Partial Albino House Sparrow
The bird on the left is a partial albino female House Sparrow. Compare with a normally colored Sparrow on the right.

Mallard x China
A Mallard/China Duck Hybrid Observed in April 2001...

Unique Duck
...and here he is again in April 2002!

Eurasian Collared Dove
Eurasian Collared Dove

Band-tailed Pigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon

Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker

House Finch
House Finch

Male Cardinal

Female Cardinal and Friends

Great Egret
Great Egret

Lake Hefner Wildlife Refuge
Lake Hefner Wildlife Refuge

Sammy the Squirrel
Sammy the Squirrel

Also see: Pat's Backyard Bird Cam

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